Super Genius Addition – 7+


Age: 6-8

What is it?

This addition matching game focuses on building addition skills, teaching beginners the early fundamentals of math, while building and enhancing skills for more advanced students. Find the pair between an equation and its sum, two equations or two sums.

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What the experts say:

Genius maths / Genius reading
As a teacher I always recommend to the parents to work a little bite every day. Mental calculating, sight words need to be practice every days and Genius maths or Genius reading are the perfect fun games for that !
Memory works better when we have fun and laugh, this cards game will help all the family to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication or reading !
In class you can use it in group with or without the teacher.



Age: 6-8

What is it?

This addition matching game focuses on building addition skills, teaching beginners the early fundamentals of math, while building and enhancing skills for more advanced students. Find the pair between an equation and its sum, two equations or two sums.