Online Classes

Parenting strategies & experts advice through videos, e-books and printables.

Panel for Working Moms

Audiences: Parents, Caregivers, Schools and Companies
What is it? 2 hours video Panel of 7 experts giving actionable advice to make  working while parenting possible + Exclusive ebook

12 Tools to Easily Master Positive Parenting

Audiences: Parents, Caregivers, Schools and Companies

What is it? 6 Videos programs + 1 Ebook + 2 digital Posters with concrete tools to make parenting easier

The Unstuckifier

Audiences: Parents

What is it? Videos programs + 1 Ebook

Mind Body Wellness

Audience: Parents, Caregivers, Schools

What is it? 6 Weeks of progressive daily objectives + On-demand coaching video + Printable tracher + 12 Weeks of Progressive Workout Program and Fitness Plan with proven intuitive eating nutrition plan & unlimited access to support with Shannon Shearn

Learn & Play Program: Animals Around the World

Audience: Pk-K Children

Specialties: 10 Videos with pre-academics, yoga, dance, gratitude, etc. + 100+ Pages digital Workbook with worksheets and games

All information on this site is for education purposes only. We create original content in partnership with knowledgeable professionals focused generally on positive parenting tips and tools for parents of young children. We strive to provide information on a variety of parenting issues and we rely on you to choose the information that is most appropriate for you, recognizing that not all information on this site will be relevant or appropriate for your situation. This site and the content provided are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and we are not liable for the outcome of any actions taken or not taken by you based on the information provided on this site. For specific medical, psychological, and behavioral advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor. For additional information please consult our Terms of Use. 

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